Displays/ Games (ANJEC Services)

New!!  Introducing ANJEC’s New Series of Educational Brochures

(Print at home to use at your local events; download links to each brochure below)

ANJEC provides games, displays, documentary dvds (with screening rights) and other resources to member Environmental Commissions for their use.

See what games, dvds, and display items are available here

Contact us  or send an email to info@anjec.org  to borrow these items and other available handouts.

Conferences and Workshops

ANJEC conducts many workshops throughout the year.  The annual ANJEC conference – the ANJEC Congress is held in October.  Many of our previous workshops and webinars be viewed on our YouTube Channel 

Stormwater (Water)

Runoff water from storms needs to be clean of debris and pollutants so that drinking water and waterways are clean for all.  This can be achieved by appropriate Stormwater Management.   In March 2020, The Department of Environmental Protection formally adopted groundbreaking amendments to the state’s stormwater management rules to better protect water quality by reducing polluted runoff through implementation of  required green infrastructure technologies for major developments.  As of March 2021 all municipalities must adopt new stormwater management ordinances to incorporate these changes.

Model Ordinance (NJ DEP model ordinance)
Enhanced Model Ordinance (Watershed Institute)

ANJEC Informational Sheets:    

ANJEC Resource Papers:

Web Resources:

Wetlands (Water)

Wetlands are an important natural resource that naturally clean water and they need to be protected from pollutants and overdevelopment. Municipalities can help protect water quality and prevent non-point-source pollution through planning and ordinances.

The entire Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act Rules can be downloaded from NJDEP Division of Land Use Regulations

The 4th edition of ANJECs’ “Freshwater Wetlands Protection in New Jersey: A Manual for Local Officials” can be downloaded here.

Urban (Government)

Environmental commissions can help protect health and the environment in New Jersey’s urban and developed communities. They make a difference through their work on open space, green infrastructure, recycling and litter, health issues, wildlife habitat restoration, energy, pedestrian and transportation, land use planning, education and community outreach. Brownfields are a particular issue in urbanized communities.

ANJEC’s e-newsletter, The ANJEC News includes a regular column focused on urban issues, environmental information and resources for developed communities.

Grants (ANJEC Services)

ANJEC offers grants of up to $1500 to municipal Environmental Commissions for Open Space Stewardship Projects.

Look for application information in early spring.  Information on prior stewardship grants can be found here.

The Municipal Master Plan

The New Jersey Legislature has delegated most of the responsibility for land use to municipalities. However, decisions made by state agencies, county governments and even neighboring municipalities also play an important role in the actual development patterns. Ultimately it is the municipal master plan that creates the foundation for the local zoning and land ordinances that govern development. A master plan that clearly states environmental and development goals provides a solid base for the ordinances so vital to protect a community’s public health, safety and general welfare.  Click here for more information about elements of a Master Plan.

As of February 2021, the NJ Municipal Land Use Lase requires a climate change-related hazard vulnerability assessment as a part of any future master plan update.  You can find a Climate Change resiliency plan guide here or go to  Resilient NJ for more information.

Sustainable Communities

There are different approaches to meet present and future environmental, social and economic needs. Elements of a sustainable community include leadership, civic engagement and responsibility, ecological integrity, economic security, and social well-being. For more information and resources on Sustainable Communities download the informational sheet here.

Streams and Rivers

New Jersey contains 18,126 miles of rivers and streams which are a critical natural resource. Our waterways are the source of about half our drinking water, support agriculture and industrial uses, and provide scenic beauty, recreational opportunities, and wildlife habitat. In New Jersey water quality, quantity, and stream habitat all continue to decline as we build and rebuild in floodplains, encroach upon riparian buffers, and increase our water use.  Environmental commissions play a critical role in protecting waterways by gathering information, educating the public, and working within the municipality to support good planning.

Protecting our Streams  (ANJEC Resource Paper)
New Jersey Rivers (ANJEC Info Sheet)
Regulating Stream and River Flooding (ANJEC Info Sheet)

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