Displays/ Games (ANJEC Services)

New!!  Introducing ANJEC’s New Series of Educational Brochures

(Print at home to use at your local events; download links to each brochure below)

ANJEC provides games, displays, documentary dvds (with screening rights) and other resources to member Environmental Commissions for their use.

See what games, dvds, and display items are available here

Contact us  or send an email to info@anjec.org  to borrow these items and other available handouts.

Conferences and Workshops

ANJEC conducts many workshops throughout the year.  The annual ANJEC conference – the ANJEC Congress is held in October.  Many of our previous workshops and webinars be viewed on our YouTube Channel 

Grants (ANJEC Services)

ANJEC offers grants of up to $1500 to municipal Environmental Commissions for Open Space Stewardship Projects.

Look for application information in early spring.  Information on prior stewardship grants can be found here.

Publications (ANJEC Services)

ANJEC has a large selection of publications available in digital and print versions.  Click here for a list of popular requested publications.

Membership (ANJEC Services)

ANJEC invites municipal Environmental Commissions, Environmental Committees, Green Teams, Open Space Committees, Planning Boards, Shade Tree Commissions, or other interested local boards to join as members. Membership includes free trainings for all local officials and discounts on the Environmental Congress and publication purchases.

Click here for more information.

Contact info@anjec.org to sign up for membership.

ANJEC Road Shows

ANJEC will prepare an individual workshop for your environmental commission with your choice of one or two topics, time and location.

Workshops will not be scheduled for July, August or December.  Contact info@anjec.org to request your customized environmental commission training.

Awards (ANJEC Services)

Annually, ANJEC presents Environmental Achievement Awards to Environmental Commissions, Non-profit organizations. Current Achievement Award winners can be found  here

Municipal Options for Stormwater Management

Stormwater is precipitation that falls as rain, snow, sleet or hail. Stormwater is best understood in terms of water cycle. Under natural conditions, about 10 percent of precipitation runs over the land surface and about 50 percent infiltrates the soil to replenish groundwater flow and base flow to streams. Plant uptake and evapotranspiration account for about 40 percent.

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Site Plan/Subdivision Review: Environmental Analysis

The State of New Jersey has given the primary responsibility for how its land will be used to its 566 municipalities. The Municipal Land Use Law (NJSA 40:55D-1 et seq.) sets up a three-step planning process for land use decisions: development and adoption of a master plan, adoption of land use and zoning ordinances, and site plan and subdivision review.

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