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Electrifying Transportation in New Jersey and your Town

The EV revolution is underway. The shift to clean-running, planet-saving electric vehicles is happening worldwide as consumers, auto manufacturers and policy makers awaken to the imperative that we must quickly and dras- tically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Federal, state and local governments have an important role to play in establishing the infrastructure, financial incentives and legal frameworks needed to put the EV movement on a fast track. This resource paper focuses on what communities can do to lay the ground- work for the transition to full adoption of electric vehicles.


Land Use Planning in Your Community

Local land use tools and resources, the Municipal Master Plan, Ordinances, The ERI/NRI, Zoning, Climate Change adaptations and more to help environmental commissions and local officials navigate the system and protect natural resources for years to come.

Municipal Techniques: Long term control plans, stream daylighting and combined sewer overflow programs

Many urban NJ communities have aging, combined stormwater and sanitary sewage systems that can’t handle heavy rainfalls. This sometimes leads to localized flooding with polluted water overflowing into streets and waterways. This resource paper discusses how to address these issues with green infrastructure solutions, and how to make them part of a Long Term Control Plan.

Stormwater Management for Municipalities: Green Infrastructure designs and options

Green infrastructure designs and options –This resource paper explains common types of Green Infrastructure, why it’s important, how to implement it and how environmental commissions (ECs) can play a role.

Acting Locally: Municipal Tools for Environmental Protection

A comprehensive collection of rationales and methods for protecting ground water, lakes, steep slopes, trees, streams and other natural resources through better local land use policy. Includes examples of practical, specific techniques including ordinances, development standards, data collection and public education.

Nonmembers $10.00

Members $8.00

Environmental Commissioners’ Handbook

The fifth edition is filled with information commissions need to get the job done in their communities.

Nonmembers $12.00

Members $9.60

Environmental Manual for Municipal Officials

A unique reference designed to help municipal officials understand the increasingly complex body of environmental laws. Features the legal and environmental roles local boards and commissions play in protecting New Jersey’s environment. It includes state environmental laws and programs, grouped by subject area. Extensive information resources, applicable laws and court cases. An index makes the Manual easy to use.

Nonmembers $6.00

Members $4.80

The Environmental Resource Inventory

Legal basis, elements and uses of this important database of natural resources and environmental characteristics. How to put an ERI together, types of information to include, sample tables of contents.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Freshwater Wetlands Protection

By Abigail Fair. Covering amendments through 2001, the manual explains the provisions of the NJ Freshwater Wetlands Regulations. It also offers techniques municipalities can use in the land use planning and application process to complement the state program. The manual is intended to help members of municipal environmental commissions, planning boards, boards of adjustment, boards of health and interested citizens to take steps at the local level to protect wetlands.

Nonmembers $10.00

Members $8.00

Handbook for Public Financing of Open Space in New Jersey

Options for local open space funding and approaches to getting an open space financing referendum on the ballot with sample resolutions, ballot questions and flyers for voter education.

Nonmembers $8.00

Members $6.40

Major State Programs Affecting Land Use

Describes programs impacting land use that the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) administers – Water Quality Management Planning, Freshwater Wetlands Protection, Flood Hazard Area Protection, Water Quality Standards and Coastal Protection. The paper explains how environmental commissions can comment effectively on development proposals that require state permits and state regulation proposals. Environmental commission comments can alert municipal board to applicant’s need for state permits and can provide NJ DEP with information critical to comprehensive review.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Municipal Environmental Commissions in New Jersey

Enabling legislation, commissions’ roles and benefits to municipalities, opportunities for training, examples of successful commission projects in raising awareness of wetlands and wildlife, reducing pesticide use, reviewing site plans, monitoring water quality, reducing non-point source pollution and use computer mapping.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Municipal Options for Stormwater Management

Reducing non point pollution and managing stormwater through master plans, natural areas, zoning and land use ordinances, best management practices, retrofitting and redevelopment. Includes many useful references of phone numbers and web links.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Open Space is a Good Investment

Summaries of studies that demonstrate how open space preservation costs taxpayers less over the long term than residential and commercial development. Includes an economic analysis worksheet to help determine long term costs for specific proposals.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Open Space Plan, Charting a Course for Your Town’s Green Assetts

Green, undeveloped areas are precious assets for every community, but especially in New Jersey, the most densely developed state in the country. Whether you live in a rural area, a suburban enclave or an urban setting, green spaces add to the charm and quality of life of your community and, thus, they enhance property values. But open spaces also perform many valuable natural functions.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Pathways for the Garden State

Counter-attacking suburban sprawl by helping people get out of their cars and onto their feet and bicycles. A practical handbook to help environmental commissions, park and recreation departments, planning boards and citizen associations plan and design walking and bicycle routes along paths, sidewalks and roadways and through greenways. Includes information on evaluating your community, mobilizing support, putting together and implementing a plan in urban, suburban and rural areas, case studies and a resource list.

Nonmembers $8.00

Members $6.40

Protecting Our Streams

Impacts of human activity on water quality, options and benefits of stream protection, municipal ordinances, state and regional regulatory programs and sources of information.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Remediating and Redeveloping Brownfields

ANJEC and the Center for Creative Land Recycling. An overview of the process for identifying, cleaning up and redeveloping older industrial, commercial and institutional properties in New Jersey. Includes information about how community organizations can participate in the process by advocating for cleanup and helping to plan for new uses that will benefit the community, including open space. Explains New Jersey’s new Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program, and the agencies and professionals that are involved in the assessment, remediation, planning and funding of brownfield redevelopment. Many links and resources.


Sample Ordinances for Protecting Coastal Habitats

Provides tools and techniques for protecting coastal habitat for migratory birds.

Nonmembers $2.50

Members $2.00

Septic System Management for Clean Water

Managing Septic Systems and their importance for your municipality. How septic systems work, the benefits and approaches to managing septic systems, including model ordinances.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

Site Plan Review

Legal authority and procedures for environmental review of subdivisions and/or site plans. Approaches to evaluating environmental impacts, guidelines for site inspections and sample format for environmental commission reports to planning and zoning boards.

Nonmembers $1.00

Members $0.80

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