november, 2019
14nov6:00 pm8:00 pmCANCELLED - Water Matters
Event Details
What Goes into the Ground...Comes out of the Faucet Learn how you can make a difference in protecting clean water right in your own backyard! Many communities in New Jersey rely
Event Details
What Goes into the Ground…Comes out of the Faucet
Learn how you can make a difference in protecting clean water right in your own backyard! Many communities in New Jersey rely on septic systems for treating wastewater. Good maintenance of septic systems is essential to protecting water and prevents costly problems and repairs.
English Sewage Disposal will present Septic 101, discussing the why, what, & when of septic maintenance, including how to identify and avoid septic problems. Each workshop attendee will receive a discount coupon from English Sewage.
Rain gardens are another way to be part of clean water solutions. Rain gardens use natural filtering to remove toxins from stormwater runoff before seeping into the groundwater. In addition to protecting your drinking water, rain gardens help prevent flooding during storm events. Also, native plants provide habitat for birds and pollinators and add visual appeal.
This workshop is recommended for Environmental Commission members, residents, business owners, township officials, planners, green team and open space committee members.
ANJEC members: No charge to attend
Non-members: $15
To register, email ANJEC, or call 973-539-7547.
Funding for this program and the Rain Garden Rebate Program provided by:
The William Penn Foundation and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
(Thursday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Pittsgrove Town Hall
989 Centerton Road, Pittsgrove NJ