Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) is an approach to manage stormwater either on-site, or close to a developed site that mimics natural processes by soaking up and storing water. Green infrastructure techniques are required under NJ stormwater regulations for all major new development applications as part of the NJPACT rules.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) defines GI as methods of stormwater management that reduce wet weather/stormwater volume or flow, or that change the characteristics of the flow into combined or separate sanitary or storm sewers or surface waters. It does this by allowing the stormwater to infiltrate, to be treated by vegetation or soils; or to be stored for reuse. Rather than “exporting” stormwater to streams and rivers using concrete pipes, tubes, known as “gray” infrastructure, GI uses porous materials, native plants, or temporary storage methods that allow stormwater to soak into the ground to recharge the groundwater and aquifers.
Types of Green Infrastructure includes:
- Rain gardens / bioretention basins
- Bioswales
- Native meadows
- Constructed wetlands
- Porous pavement
- Cisterns/rain barrels
- Green roofs
- Community forestry
ANJEC has a Green Infrastructure tool kit for Municipalities that includes two resource papers: Long Term Control Plans, Stream Daylighting and Combined Sewer Overflow Programs and Green Infrastructure Design and Options
ANJEC has also been a partner with numerous organizations for more than 10 years to install numerous municipal green infrastructure projects using grant funding from William Penn, NFWF, NJDEP and others. As of 2024, ANJEC in the ground installations of raingardens, riparian buffers, pollinator gardens and enhanced tree pits has resulted in capturing over 2.5 million gallons of stormwater runoff per year and treating over 1000 lbs of total suspended solids, over 9.5 lbs nitrogen and over 1.5 lbs of phosphorus on a yearly basis.
Other GI Initiatives
- Newark DIG (Doing Infrastructure Green) Using green infrastructure to improve resiliency to flooding and quality of life for Newark residents
- Camden SMART The objective of the Camden SMART (Stormwater Management and Resource Training) Initiative is to develop a comprehensive network of green infrastructure programs and projects for the City of Camden.
- Green Infrastructure for Environmental Justice and Flood Mitigation -will help reduce future flooding in areas of Hackensack with more low- and moderate-income residents and people of color, and help make those areas more enjoyable for residents.
- Trenton Green Infrastructure Partners– a community-based initiative to implement green infrastructure demonstration projects throughout the City of Trenton
- Introduction to Green Infrastructure Practices (Rutgers NJAES)
- Green Infrastructure Guidance Manual (Rutgers NJAES)
- FAQs for Green Infrastructure Rule (NJDEP)
- Green Infrastructure in New Jersey (NJDEP)
- NJ Developers Green Infrastructure Guide (NJFuture)
- Green Infrastructure (USEPA)
- Green Infrastructure GI Wizard (USEPA)