Runoff water from storms needs to be clean of debris and pollutants so that drinking water and waterways are clean for all. This can be achieved by appropriate Stormwater Management. In March 2020, The Department of Environmental Protection formally adopted groundbreaking amendments to the state’s stormwater management rules to better protect water quality by reducing polluted runoff through implementation of required green infrastructure technologies for major developments. In 2023, the NJDEP, Inland Flood Protection Rules were adopted that requires stormwater best management practices to be designed to manage runoff for both today’s storms and future storms (out to 2100) by taking into account predictions of projected precipitation. All municipalities are required to adopt new stormwater management control ordinances to incorporate these changes.
- NJDEP Model Stormwater Ordinance
- Watershed Institute Enhanced Stormwater Management Ordinance 2023: The Watershed Institute Enhanced Model ordinance is based on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)’s model ordinance. This version includes the amendments required by the Inland Flood Protection Rules adopted July 17. 2023.
ANJEC Information Sheets/Brochures
- Stormwater Brochure
- ABCs of Stormwater
- Clean Water for Your Town – What Residents Can Do
- Flood Preparation and Response
- Coming Soon – Homeowner’s Stormwater Checklist
ANJEC Resource Papers
- Municipal Options for Stormwater Management
- Municipal Techniques: Long Term Control Plans, Stream Daylighting and Combined Sewer Overflow programs
- Stormwater Management for Municipalities: Green Infrastructure designs and options
Web Resources
- Asking the Right Questions in Stormwater Review – YouTube
- EPA – How’s my waterway
- NJ Green Infrastructure Municipal Toolkit
- NJDEP Division of Water Quality
- NJDEP Stormwater Permitting/ Water Quality
- Creating Flood-Resilient Landscapes: A Primer for New Jersey Communities: An interdisciplinary group of collaborators from Rutgers University and South Dakota State University created this free, comprehensive guide that municipalities can use to not only learn how municipal leaders can make flood-prone landscapes more resilient, but also how to fund those efforts.
- New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide:New Jersey Future and Princeton Hydro created the New Jersey Stormwater Retrofit Best Management Practices Guide. This guide provides municipalities, counties, nonprofit organizations, developers, and property owners the tools to identify opportunities to retrofit existing stormwater BMPs and install new stormwater BMPs in New Jersey’s highly built-out environment.
- Understanding the New MS4 Permit: A Primer for New Jersey Municipalities: New Jersey Future and One Water Consulting, LLC created a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Primer to help municipalities understand the recent changes to the MS4 Permit and improve their municipal stormwater programs. The MS4 Permit and this Primer provide a framework for water quality improvements and a regional approach to stormwater management in New Jersey.