Tools to Help ECs

ANJEC has prepared a number of Tools to help guide Environmental Commissions become effective advocates for the environment in their local communities.  A number of these tools are provided below.

EC Checklist

ANJEC has developed a yearly and month by month “to do list” to help guide ECs in attaining their goals throughout the year.  The Check list is available HERE

EC Self Assessment Tool

ANJEC has prepared an Environmental Commission (EC) Self Assessment Tool for use by ECs to evaluate their performance.   This tool should be used on an annual basis as a checklist to see where improvements can be made in your own EC operation.     The Tool can be downloaded Here

Community Environmental Survey

For ECs interested in sending out a survey to their community regarding Environmental Concerns please send and email to to receive a copy of the sample survey developed by ANJEC.

EC Volunteer Job Descriptions

An environmental commissioner serves in an advisory role.  They should commit to one meeting a month and 1-3 hours a month working on issues/projects/outreach.  A list of typical job responsibilities; as a whole, for the seven members of the EC can be found HERE

EC Volunteer Forms

ECs depend not only upon its members but upon volunteers to be an effective commission.  Your EC can utilize the following forms for residents to sign up as a volunteer to help your EC in its mission.

EC Volunteer Form

EC Youth Volunteer Form

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